Civil Society Recommendations to the Compact on Women, Peace, and Security and Humanitarian Action
Publication Date: July 1, 2020
Total Pages: 10
Organization: Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP)
Languages: English
Country/Region: Malaysia
Topic Area: Governance
Year: 2020
Resource Type: Advocacy Papers
This document was prepared by the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) based on the inputs of the members of the civil society-led Action Coalition on WPS and YPS. It presents a set of recommendations on the points raised in the concept note of the Compact on Women and Peace and Security and Humanitarian Action in the Generation Equality Forum.
Many of the recommendations echo those presented by civil society and local women peacebuilders in the Vienna Declaration 2020, the outcome document of the Global Women’s Forum on Women Peacebuilders & Humanitarian Actors, organized by the Austrian Development Cooperation, the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders and the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fundin Vienna on February 19-20, 2020; the 2018-2019 Global Study of Civil Society And Local Women’s Perception of Sustaining Peace conducted by GNWP with support from UN Women; and the report from the Local consultations with women from civil society on WPS and Sustaining Peace in Colombia, Northern Ireland, South Africa, and Uganda prepared by GNWP with support from Ireland and UN Women as a contribution to the Peacebuilding Architecture Review in 2020.”