Annual Report 2023: Empowering Women for Sustainable Peace

With the generous support from the Government of Canada through the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Empowering Women for Sustainable Peace: Preventing Violence and Promoting Social Cohesion in ASEAN project aims to […]

Specialized Training Materials

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In accordance with the UNGA resolution 49/37, the Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) is a national responsibility and requests the UN Secretariat to issue the standardised training guidance to this effect. The Specialised Training Materials (STM) for UN Infantry Battalions (UNIBAT) are published to standardise the PDT of all Infantry units deploying to UN Peace operations. The […]

Understanding and applying gender concepts in Myanmar for more inclusive programming

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Gender-transformative approaches are critical to addressing the underlying root causes of gender inequality. And a clear understanding of gender terms is particularly important in crisis and conflict settings – such as in Myanmar – where gender inequality is often exacerbated. This brief explains key concepts related to gender-transformative approaches, accompanied by examples to support organizations […]

National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2017-2022 (Philippines)

In 2014, after the collective assessment and a series of consultation meetings between relevant agencies implementing the NAP WPS, further streamlining of the Action Points and Indicators resulted in the crafting of the second-generation NAP WPS or the 2014 NAP WPS. These measures were then used in the 2015 evaluation of the implementation of the […]