Project Brief: Empowering Women for Sustainable Peace: Preventing Violence and Promoting Social Cohesion in ASEAN


Author(s)/editor(s): UN Women The regional project Empowering Women for Sustainable Peace seeks to operationalize a simple but revolutionary idea first introduced in the landmark United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) – that peace is inextricably linked to equality between men and women. Engaging women will promote long-lasting peace and security in the region. This […]

Project Explainer: Empowering Women for Sustainable Peace: Preventing Violence and Promoting Social Cohesion in ASEAN

Author(s)/editor(s): UN Women The Women, Peace and Security agenda recognizes the differential impact and consequences of peace and security challenges confronting women and girls, as well as the potential role that they can play in achieving and sustaining peace and stability at all levels – local, regional, national and international. The regional project Empowering Women […]

Guidelines for Operationalising the ASEAN Regional Framework of Protection, Gender and Inclusion in Disaster Management: a prioritisation and planning toolkit

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has, in recent years, substantively advanced efforts to address emerging protection, gender and inclusion (PGI) issues in disaster management. In line with the vision of One ASEAN One Response, in October 2021 the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management (ACDM) launched the ASEAN Regional Framework on Protection, Gender, and […]

Gender Analysis of Violent Extremism and the Impact of COVID-19 on Peace and Security in ASEAN: Evidence-based Research for Policy

Author(s)/editor(s): Monash Gender, Peace and Security Centre/UN Women This report identifies both the persistent trends and changing gender dynamics of violent extremism in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, based on an expert survey and interview research conducted between July and November 2021. It examined how and to what extent misogyny and hostile beliefs are […]

ASEAN Regional Study on Women, Peace and Security

The adoption of the Joint Statement on Promoting Women, Peace and Security in ASEAN at the 31st ASEAN Summit in 2017 was a key milestone to recognize the critical role of women in peace building, conflict prevention, resolution and recovery in the region. This has been reiterated at the first Regional Symposium on Implementing Women, […]

ASEAN Gender Outlook

Achieving the SDGs for All and Leaving No Woman and Girl Behind The publication brings into focus the paucity of gender data and calls for greater investment and prioritization of data for tracking progress towards gender equality and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in ASEAN in line with the ASEAN Complementarities Initiative between […]

The Marawi Siege: Women’s Reflections Then and Now

Following the siege of Marawi in the southern Philippines, UN Women conducted a series of Listening Processes in the surrounding region, giving women survivors of the siege the opportunity to share their stories. The first Listening Process was held from September to October 2017 in the days immediately following the siege. The second Listening Process […]