Total Pages: 66

Organization: UN Women

Languages: English

Country/Region: Indonesia

Topic Area: Gender equality and women’s empowerment, Peace and security, Violent extremism and terrorism, Economic empowerment, Leadership and political participation

Year: 2022

Resource Type: Research


Author(s)/editor(s): Empatika and UN Women

This review and scoping study of the Peace Villages initiative aims to share key insights on the importance of formulating a prevention of violent extremism (PVE) strategy and provide a geographical analysis of violent extremism and how the Peace Villages have placed women at the center of community-based solutions to PVE. This was attained by reviewing the Peace Villages initiative and expanding the scoping study for the Peace Village initiative outside of Java Island to increase the number of villages engaged in the project. The study also presents a proposed methodology to support expansion in these and other future project locations.

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