Make the Most of Mobile Marketing in 6 Simple ways!

17 Sep 2018 | vividreal
Make the Most of Mobile Marketing in 6 Simple ways!

It is a cliché to say that “nowadays everyone is glued to their phones”. But a cliché is a cliché for a reason. It is undeniable that browsing on phones has become more popular and essential than ever before. The young, the old, the busy, the lazy – everyone has and uses a phone!

According to 2017’s Global Digital report, more than half of the world’s web traffic now comes from mobile phones. Can you imagine? More than 50 %! For any growing business, that is a marketing goldmine!

You don’t have to have an app in development to make sure your business is accessible by mobile. Now more than ever, mobile marketing has become simpler and more versatile.

Before we move on, if you need any kind of help with your digital marketing campaigns, you should definitely reach out to us. Check out our team. Let’s talk.

Here are 6 simple techniques you can use to make your online business stand out in the ‘mobile age’.

  1.   Optimize Your Website for the Mobile Experience

Possibly the most frustrating experience a mobile user can have is being on a website that is not ready for the mobile. Your website will have higher bounce rates if it is not prepared to cater to the ‘mobile experience’

Mobile compatibility is a delicate mix of multiple factors such as your website’s speed, design and content.

  •  The Look: For starters, your website’s design should be compatible with a mobile screen. This means that the user should not have to constantly scroll sideways or pinch and zoom to browse your website on their phone.
  • The Speed: A crucial part of optimizing your site for mobile is ensuring that your web pages open quickly. Research by DoubleClick says that if a page takes more than three seconds to load, the bounce rate rises to 53 percent. The slower your website the lower your conversions
  • The Content: When creating mobile-friendly content, it is best to be as brief as possible. The mobile screen can accommodate only so much text. Bombarding your users with large blocks of text is a surefire way to increase your bounce rates.

An additional step that you can take is making voice search possible. Increasing numbers of users are moving in the direction of voice search and your customers will definitely appreciate this feature.

  1.  Improve Traffic with Location-based Ads

The flexibility of mobiles has made local search optimization extremely important. According to Google Mobile Moments Study, more than 40% of mobile searches are oriented towards local responses. This hyper-local intent can be a great marketing opportunity for your business.  

Setting up ads for a predefined geographical area which is packed with your target demographic can result in an immediate rise in traffic.

Location-based ads are relevant, personalised and extremely targeted. They remind your customers that your business is just around the corner. This makes your services seem accessible and thus increases response rate.

  1.  Energize Your Business with Exciting Videos!

One of the best ways of garnering traffic through mobile is by making use of videos. Almost every company has started employing video-based ad campaigns. The reason why they work is that they deliver your company’s message in a quick, engaging and memorable way.

While producing and uploading videos for your business it is important to make sure that they are attuned to every kind of screen. If your video is not being uploaded on your website directly but on a video-sharing platform like YouTube, make sure that your user is redirected to the appropriate version of that platform such as the YouTube app.

  1.  Make Use of Mobile-Only Social Media

Some of the most useful resources for social media marketing are those social media platform whose mobile versions are more preferred by the users. These include Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter and increasingly even Facebook.  

Social media platforms are excellent for ad campaigns. Here, campaigns are easy to set up and invite a lot of traffic. Some strategies could include using promoted tweets, Facebook mobile ads, LinkedIn sponsored updates, sponsored posts on Instagram, and paid ads and geofilters on Snapchat.  

These apps work not only ads but also for prompt customer service. Nowadays users resort to a quick message or social media post for queries and feedback. Prompt customer service is always appreciated by busy customers.  

  1.   Make Mobile Payments Easy

Mobile users increasingly rely on resources like wallet apps and online banking to make purchases online. If your website does not have an easy-to-use payment mechanism, you are bound to have high rates of abandonment.

It goes without saying that having mobile-friendly payment pathways for your website can increase your sales. Your customers will no longer have to shift to a desktop version of your site to make a purchase.  The convenience that comes along with having mobile payment pathways is sure to improve customer experience and loyalty.

  1.  Don’t Ignore Text Messaging  

Nowadays, text messaging is often overlooked as a digital marketing strategy. But don’t forget, it was one of the first mobile marketing techniques to appear in the game. So, do not eliminate text messaging from your mobile marketing strategy just yet.

Users get a sense of personalization when they receive offers, discounts, and alerts through a text. This can encourage them to follow through. Just don’t bombard your customers with spam! If you use texts to deliver relevant and well-paced messages to your customers, you will be pleasantly surprised by the response you get.


Mobile phones are more popular than ever before. Now is the best time to make their popularity profitable for your business. At the same time, keep in mind that there is no single mobile marketing strategy that can help you achieve your desired conversions.

Ideally, you should be using these tactics in accordance with your specific needs. Thus, the most helpful strategy would be to understand your business goals and identifying which tactics and tool can be most useful in achieving them.

As always, feel free to reach out to us if you need any help with your digital marketing campaigns. That’s all for now, cheers!

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