Quora; Another Platform to Promote Your Business Online

03 May 2018 | Josbin Itty
Quora for business

Okay, you are running a business and are looking for ways to advertise online. You ask digital marketers like us for suggestions. Chances are, we will suggest you Google search Ads or Facebook Ads without second thoughts.

After all, the data speaks for itself. About 75 percent of search Ad revenue went to Google and 70 percent of display Ad revenue went to Facebook last year. Google gets around 3.5 billion searches per day and Facebook gets around 1.4 billion visitors every day!

This clearly shows the domination of these two giants in the field. Wait…does that mean these two are our only options? Hell No!…there are plenty of other options out there. One such badass option is Quora.

Haven’t heard about it yet?

Well, Quora is one of the largest question answering platforms on the web. This is a place where you get personalized answers from REAL people. According to the co-founder of Quora Adam D’Angelo, it has about 100 million unique visitors every month. Not bad right?

Quora was founded in June 2009 and the website was made available to the public on June 21, 2010. Now…fast forward to 2017; Quora announced its paid Ad program. It is too soon to judge the effectiveness of these paid Ads but there are some other free things that you can do with Quora that can boost your online presence.

Did I say free? Yes…I did!

Go get an account on Quora and start answering some questions related to your business or industry. It is very similar to signing up for any other social networking sites you already have accounts with.

As I have told you, Quora is a Q&A platform and they do not approve of self-promotion but…there are certain ways by which you can promote your brand.

Before we move on, if you need any kind of help with your digital marketing campaigns, you should definitely reach out to us. Check out our team. Let’s talk.

Number one: Each time you write an answer on Quora, your bio shows up next to your answer.  Use your bio to promote your brand.  

The bio that you can see is only 50 characters. Make sure you include your brand name and title in this first 50 characters. You can also add multiple credentials according to the answers you give. Here is the catch, you can add clickable links to your bio as well.

Number 2: Start answering questions related to your industry. This can project you as an authoritative figure in your field ( provided you give quality answers).  Make sure you are not making any grammatical errors. It is a good idea to show your answers to someone before publishing.

Number 3: Give links to your website at the bottom of your answers. Ask your readers to take a look for more insights. If you have a blog, ask them to subscribe for more of your content. This is an effective way of creating leads. How hard was that?

Number 4: Create a page for your company. Almost all top brands have a page on Quora. Start a discussion about your brand. If you already have one, give some quality answers. I repeat, quality answers.

Quora is a place where you can interact with your customers directly. Spend some time on it and the results are guaranteed.

Paid Advertising on Quora

If you are someone who does all your Ads on either Google or Facebook, it won’t be a bad idea to consider some diversification. As the old saying goes, ‘Don’t keep all the eggs in a single basket’.

Quora is a platform you can use to diversify your investment in Ads. Last year they announced that they had nearly doubled their monthly user base from 100 million to 195 million over the past year. Those are impressive numbers.

What makes Quora different from the most popular Ad platforms like Google and Facebook is that you bid for questions instead of keywords. Quora has a wide range of questions related to almost everything under the Sun. You just need to find the questions related to your business or industry and bid for it.

Being a new advertising platform, Cost Per Click (CPC) is pretty low. You could advertise to a large group of people interested in your industry without breaking the bank.

With the right amount of creativity and strategy, you can make any campaigns a success. Quora is not any different. Keep experimenting, keep learning. That’s the only way to survive in the advertising world.

As always, feel free to reach out to us if you need any help with your digital marketing campaigns. That’s all for now, cheers!

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